Saturday, August 1, 2009

Better than iResq - DIY!

If your lcd screen breaks on your laptop (as mine did), get a putty knife and check out this video:

Apple electronics cheap fix

This is way better than paying for Apple to fix your iPhone, portable or desktop computer, iPod, etc. We all know going the Apple route is pricey. My coworker told me to check out iResq

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


1 part milk, heat
1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa
1 tsp. sugar, stir w/ cocoa vigorously into milk
2 parts strong coffee
Stir and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Head for the desert

A quick and easy weekend trip is only a matter of miles from our lovely city on the edge. And there is nothing better than the desert when you need to clear your head.
Fill the car with friends and provisions and drive east.

Quick and cheap planters

This only works if you have a drill, or a friend who will loan you a drill
1) Pick out a ceramic vase, or other ceramic vessel, from your local thrift store, dumpster or under the kitchen sink
2) Using the largest drill bit in your set, drill three holes in the bottom of vase, bowl, gravy dish, coffee cup, or whatever — as long as it's ceramic
3) Fill your new pot with cactus soil
4) Dig hole in soil and place a sweet little succulent clipping from a friend in hole. Water once a week, except when it rains.

All about Quick-n-little

Quick-n-little projects are for hurried people who still like to hobby. They're easily done in a short amount of time, usually useful, prairie-punk-DIY inspired and often Green.
If you need ideas for a quick craft fix or inspiration for how to spend a spare afternoon, we hope you'll find it here.
Ultimately, the creativity flows from you ... sometimes it just needs a quick-n-little boost of encouragement.